Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Crtl C Ctrl V! Are frum news sites boring you?

Copy and paste, are the keys most used by frum news websites and Blogs. The content on many frum websites at least the news reporting ones, is lacking original reporting. Most of the posts are just copied from other news sites and re posted. It maybe the latest Drudge headlines, Israeli news (that many in the US have no interest in), or AP stories. What these editors are doing are sifting through the wires picking and choosing which stories to post.

Unlike Professional news sites that have their own reporters and journalists, the frum sites are run by a handful of people whose job is to gather the news and post what they seem appropriate. Many articles are fillers and have no interest at all. Many friends have commented on the lack of original and thought provoking articles.
They do face challenge, as the frum sites are limited to what they can post. They will not post Lashon Hora stories or the latest Celebrity news and Gossip. To compensate they turn to the major Jewish Israeli  English websites which are based in Israel and post many of those stories. While Jews in America always want to know what is going on in Israel, not all are interested in the daily non national stories. Many sites have added daily videos and other forms of entertainment as a way to attract and maintain viewers. Its challenging on the Web and those who sleep will just get left behind.


  1. To each his own. There is room for Frum news sites, and there is room for bloggers with their analysis.

    Thankfully you belong (mostly) to the second category.

  2. I enjoy the comment section more than the news.

  3. This is for a few reasons:

    1. Money. You can't expect these people to churn out amazing content when they're nowhere near as funded as a secular news outlet. And considering how many of those news outlets are going under, it's no wonder that few of these outlets are paying people to create content.

    2. Aggregation is smart. Ever heard of the Huffington Post? They've made an entire business out of reposting other peoples' content. It's not unheard of, and it's not limited to Jewish publications.

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